This is a picture of Fallsington, the cottage I moved to from the Durham Unit. As you can see the grass is over grown and this was after the state shut the school down. Fallsington was for older boys and why I was moved there instead of Croydon (Durham was for younger boys, Croydon was the next step up, then Fallsington) is a story I don't wish to talk about I'm a little embarrased about it but will briefly mention it anyway. First let me refresh the readers memory that I came from North Western (Psych. Hospital) and it was very strict there and safe. My 2 years there even though I hated it, I got use to it. When I arrived at ESSH, Durham cottage was my unit. I soon found out that often times on the weekend some cottages would shut down due to lack of staff. This happen because some kids went on homevisit and the staff ratio was out of wack. (this I think was the cause of my hatred of moving, to this day I hate moving and the staff had a nick name for me, "on the road again") Anyway, my first weekend at Croydon was awful, these kids were loud, pain in the ass, no respect for anybody what so ever. All I can say is the cottage was hell for me, atleast compared to what I was use to! (I will go into detail in future postings) I don't remember how long in I was before I was called into the office, I was told I was being moved to Croydon because I was too young to go to Fallsington. Well this didn't go over well for me to say the least. At first I asked why, and from there I was crying my eyes out, it was the only thing I could do and kept asking why I couldn't move to fallsington. Well this went on for atleast 2hrs, finally they gave in and I was moved to Fallsington where my good friend Joe K. was staying. It's not that I feared for my safety at Croydon, it was the atmosphere, the kids that were there, were just plain bastards.....For 11/12 year old kid I did more than well at Fallsington, I arrived with no problems, Joe showed me around, and I felt at home there.....One of the reasons why I did so well there was because of my maturity level at such a young age.